2007: «selewie»
«Selewie!» is exactly what one thinks of when listening to Appenzeller Echo. These three musicians deeply rooted in the tradition of Appenzeller music, sing, yodel, play music, and “rugguselen” (a form of nature yodel)authentically, while still infusing their own unique mark. Since its formation in 1997, Appenzeller Echo has demonstrated that they are true freethinkers, as evident on their previous album «dörigehnt», in which they dedicated themselves to paying homage to folk music around the world, as well as incorporating influences from old movie classics to spirited Irish fiddle tunes.
The new CD «selewie», however, stays true to the many lovers of popular waltzes, polkas, “ratzliedli” (satirical songs) and yodels that you would expect from the Appenzell region. In doing so, the Appenzeller Echo has fully returned to its roots.
The dialect expression “selewie” is an expression of surprise.
Price: 27.50 CHF & shipping costs (Switzerland: Free shipping)
If you want to obtain one of the records, just send me an E-mail (Switzerland) on the following account, including your postal adress: jr@appenzellermusik.ch You will then receive the article plus a paying slip by regular mail.

1. Chomm Seppli, me schöttid d’Schölle, Jodellied & Schellen
2. Berewegge Polka, Polka & Gesang
3. Isch mer alle wille grad eding, Ratzliedli
4. Vier Johreszyte, 4 Ländlerli (PDF)
5. Anna Koch Jodel & Bruuttanz, Rugguseli & Walzer
6. De Seppe Toni, Jodellied (PDF)
7. Rond om de Säntis, Walzer & Gesang
8. Selewie, Rugguseli (PDF)
9. a de Lansgmeend im Tize Rössli, Schottisch
10. Min Vater ischt en Appezöller, Jodellied
11. Min Schatz ischt ke Zocker, Walzer & Gesang
12. Appezöller Alpebetter, Polka & Gesang (PDF)
13. Gang rüef de Bruune / Chomm me göond gi Gäässli mölche / Sonnehalb ii
14. Hau de Chatz de Schwanz aab, Schottisch