Picture gallery from performances and travels
Appenzeller Echo pictures from performances

2019: Pictures from the performance in Taiwan: Swiss Music Night Concert in Taipei
Pictures from the performances in Taipei from Dec. 2019

2015: Pictures from the performance in Abidjan, Ivory Coast
Performance at the reopening of the Swiss Embassy in Abidjan, Ivory Coast 2015

2014: Pictures from the performance at the "Swiss National Day London Celebration
On July 19, 2014, we had the pleasure to perform in London at the “Swiss National Day London Celebration”. Here are some photos from this weekend

2014: Pictures of the Dubai trip
Appearance at the “Beautyworld Middle East” exhibition in Dubai 2014, for the company Luzi AG

2012: Appenzellerecho.ch - Dusa Orchestra & Appenzeller Echo Culture Festival
Culture Festival St. Gallen: Dusa Orchestra & Appenzeller Echo Impressions from 7. 5. 2012

2006: Pictures from Ecuador trip
Impressions of the performance from 15-25. 11. 2006 at the Swiss Week in Quito, Ecuador, South America

2004: Pictures of the Russia trip
Concert tour with the choir over Lake Constance and an “ad-hoc” string music formation

2003: Pictures of the cruise around Europe
Impressions of the Swiss Folklore Cruise 2003

2003: Pictures of the Appenzeller Echo's performance in Japan
Impressions of the performance from Oct. 17 – 26, 2003, for the Buhler Group Uzwil in Yokohama, Japan

2003: Pictures of the Appenzeller Echo trip to Bolivia
Impressions of the performance from 9. – 17. 3. 2003 in Santa Cruz and La Paz, Bolivia, South America

2000: Pictures of the Appenzeller Echo's performance in Japan
Impressions of the performance on Nov. 16, 2000, for the Buhler Group Uzwil in Yokohama, Japan