Appenzeller Echo performance variants
1. Concert variation: "Buchriibeli & Dörigehnts"
Duration: 2 x 45 min.
he Appenzeller Echo presents the various Appenzell music styles such as string, accordion & dulcimer music, yodeling with the rolling coins, Ratzliedli, own compositions, folk music from other regions, Appenzeller jokes & information about Appenzell music.

Audio sample: “Buchriibeli & Dörigehnts”
2. Concert variation: "vo Appezöller Brüüch & Anderem"
Duration: 2 x 45 min.
The Appenzeller Echo brings the audience closer to various Appenzeller customs with suitable music from Appenzell & other regions, which are lived & cultivated throughout the year: e.g. Openair assembly, Processions to the alpine pasture, Festivities, Cattle shwo, diverent kind of yodeling, Silvesterchlausen.

For your event (Trio)
Duration: variabel
The Appenzeller Echo framed the event according to your wishes. Be it individual show blocks “Swiss Folklore Show with music, yodeling with the rolling coins and Swiss alphorn solo” or as decent background music for aperos or a dinner, receptions, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, general meetings, anniversaries, vernissages, festivals at home and abroad, company and family celebrations, wedding parties, etc.

Additional variant with a special "Hierig" dance
If desired, we organize a “Hierig” dance pair for you.
Characteristic of Inner Rhodes are the «Hierig» and the «Schicktanz». The «Hierig» is an old pantomine dance where, in a happy way and musical accompanied, a loving couple is portrayed falling out and then making up.

Instrumental instrumentation: String music
In the small composition the group consist of the violin, the hammer dulcimer and the bass which is the small traditional formation of the Appenzell group’s. (especially in the period between 1780 – 1890)
In this intrumentation the Appenzeller Ehco play old, delivered stringband music titles, own compositions to “Folkmusic”-titles from different regions of the world.
We consider this fine music particularly suited to accompany a good meal.

Audio sample: string music
Instrumental instrumentation: accordion as lead instrument
The accordion is the lead instrument, the hammer dulcimer surrounds the waltzer, the polka, „Mazurca“, marching plays and various other plays. The bass gives the bottom line. Whenever we sing some jodelling there is a lot of applause. That’s the way we enjoy this style of Appenzell music which has become very popular since 1970 throughout all Switzerland. It is especially linked to the name of „Hans Doerig“ a famous musician.
You can download compositions for the Accordion. The compositions are written for the accordeon.

Audio sample: accordion music
Instrumental instrumentation: hammered dulcimer as lead instrument
The hammered dulcimer as the leading instrument gives a special touch to the performance and is accompanied by the accordion and bass. Recently, challenging pieces have been composed for the hammered dulcimer, which bring to light the large range and the most diverse timbres of the dulcimer.

Audio sample: hammered dulcimer
Yodeling with the rolling thalers (coins)
The rolling coins with the special vessels and the swiss five franc coin always get special attention by our guests. The accompanying natural jodelling enriches every event.
Interested listeners are invited to test their abilities, A welcome to challenge to each participant.

Audio sample: yodeling with the rolling thalers
Swiss Alphorn
Upon request we are pleased to present the legendary Swiss alphorn as well.

Audio sample: Swiss alphorn