CD "Mini Freud" by our bass player Walter Neff
The idea was to record his musical creativity on a new CD, with various formations. On this CD you can hear formations and bands, which Walter enjoys precious hours throughout the year – as an active musician and singer and musical director. On four yodelin song, “Hirschli” sings all the voices himself.
Formations & bands on this CD:
Appenzeller Echo, Chlausegruppe Waisehüsler, Chrobeg-Chörli, yodeling duet Gähler / Neff, Yodeling Quartet Grenzgänger, Omsinger Böschelibuebe
Price: 27.50 CHF & shipping costs (Switzerland: Free shipping)
If you want to obtain one of the records, just send me an E-mail (Switzerland) on the following account, including your postal adress: You will then receive the article plus a paying slip by regular mail.
1. Es vo Hondwil mit de Schölle, Zäuerli, Hirschli
1. Es vo Hondwil mit de Schölle, Zäuerli, Hirschli
3. Zwo Sorte Appezöller, Jodellied, Gähler/Neff
4. Öber’s Älpli, Jodellied, Chrobeg-Chörli
5. Drei Buuchriibeli, Ländlerli, Appenzeller Echo (PDF)
6. De Toni bim Melche, Chlausezäuerli Toni Frick, Waisehüsler
7. z’Innerrhode, Jodellied, Böschelibuebe
8. Is Suuflehmeres, Ruggusseli, Hirschli
9. Chorz vor knapp, Polka, Appenzeller Echo
10. De Fricke-Sämi bim Chlause, Chlausezäuerli Sämi Frick, Waisehüsler
11. I bi e Sennebüebli, Jodellied, Grenzgänger
12. De Noldi bim Spasschlause, Zäuerli, Hirschli
13. E-moll Polka, Polka, Appenzeller Echo
14. Isch das nüd Sympathie, Jodellied, Chrobeg-Chörli
15. Bim Hirschli im Reka, Chlausezäuerli, Waisehüsler
16. De Chässalot, Jodellied, Gähler/Neff
17. A de Schwendner Chilbi, Ruggusseli Föschteli, Böschelibuebe
18. Im Puurecheller, Walzer, Appenzeller Echo
19. z’Urnäsch im Hofstöbli, Chlausezäuerli Toni Frick, Waisehüsler
20. Öses Lendli, Jodellied, Hirschli